阿布辛拜尔神庙(埃及南部尼罗河沿岸一村庄。是可追溯到公元前 1250年的巨岩庙宇的所在地,为了避免被阿斯旺大坝的洪水淹没曾被加高(1964-1966年) );
The rock - cut temples at Abu Simbel were hewn during his reign.
互联网The most famous are the temples of Abu Simbel and Philae.
互联网Abu Simbel is a village of southern Egypt on the Nile River.
互联网She is describing the temple of Abu Simbel in southern Egypt.
互联网Today you can either fly to Abu Simbel or take a boat from across the lake.
互联网One of the most important temples in danger was the one Abu Simbel.
互联网Photograph taken during the transportation of the temple of Abu Simbel to its present site.
互联网Inside Abu Simbel, 30 - foot - tall [ 9 - meter - tall ] statues of the pharaoh make two visitors look tiny.
阿布辛波古庙图片.在阿布辛波古庙里面, 30英尺高 ( 9 米高 )的法老王的雕像使两个游客看起来很小.
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